E-instruction manual model: Language: Português

EU Remote control

  1. STANDBY – Switch on TV when in standby or vice versa.
  2. MUTE – Mute the sound or vice versa.
  3. 0 – 9 – to select a TV channel directly.
  4. TV GUIDE – Opens the 7 Day TV Guide (Digital mode).
  5. To return to the previous channel viewed.
  6. PICTURE – Scrolls through picture mode options.
  7. VOL ▲/▼ To increase / decrease the sound level.
  8. CH ▲/▼ To increase or decrease the channel being watched.
  9. SOUND Scrolls through sound mode options.
  10. SOURCE – To display the input/source menu.
  11. MENU – To display OSD menu.
  12. EXIT – To exit all menus.
  13. (▲/▼/◄/►/ OK) – Allows you to navigate the on-screen menus and adjust the system settings to your preference.
  14. BACK – Back to previous menu.
  15. FAV – To display favourites menu.
  16. INFO – Press once for now/next channel information. Press twice for programme information about current programme.
  17. TEXT – Teletext mode - To enter Teletext
  18. SUBTITLE – To switch the dialogue at the bottom of the screen (on/off).
  19. TV – Switch to digital TV source.
  20. YouTube – Displays YouTube application
  21. NETFLIX – Displays NETFLIX application
  22. SMART – Displays SMART Portal menu.
  23. Rec1 PVR Record
  24. To restart the current chapter
  25. To advance forward to the next chapter
  26. To stop the playback
  27. Rec List1 Opens the list of recordings.
  28. To play in fast rewind mode.
  29. To play in fast forward mode.
  30. To play/pause
  31. COLOUR BUTTONS Additional teletext and OSD functions

    1 - available only with PVR function

Afstandsbediening (Optie 2)

  1. (stand-by) – Schakelt de tv in wanneer in stand-by en andersom.
  2. SOURCE – Toont het menu input/bron.
  3. NUMMERKNOPPEN - Druk op 0–9 om direct een tv-kanaal te selecteren.
  4. (dempen) - Dempt het geluid of schakelt het geluid weer in.
  5. GUIDE - Opent de 7-daagse tv-gids (digitale tv-modus).
  6. MENU - Het menuscherm tonen.
  7. FAV - Toont menu favorieten.
  8. INFO - Druk één keer op de knop om informatie te bekijken over het programma dat u op dat moment bekijkt. Druk nogmaals op de knop om gedetailleerde informatie te bekijken. Druk op ► terwijl het informatiepaneel wordt weergegeven om informatie over het eerstvolgende programma te bekijken.
  9. (//// OK) – Hiermee navigeert u door de menu’s op het scherm en past u de instellingen van het systeem aan uw voorkeuren aan.
  10. BACK - Stap terug in het menu.
  11. APPS – Toont het appmenu.
  12. EXIT – Alle menu’s verlaten.
  13. VOL (+/-) - Kantelen om het volume te verhogen/verlagen.
  14. CH (+/-) - Kantelen om naar het volgende/vorige kanaal in de reeks te schakelen.
  15. NETFLIX - Opent de Netflix-app.
  16. Prime Video - Opent de Prime Video-app.
  17. YouTube - Opent de YouTube-app.
  18. Freeview Play - Opent de Freeview Play-service. Alleen verkrijgbaar in het Verenigd Koninkrijk.
  19. AUDIO - Opent het menu voor audiotracks.
  20. SUB - Schakelt de ondertiteling onderaan het scherm in of uit.
  21. TEXT- Schakelt Teletekst in of uit.
  22. TV - Schakel naar digitale tv bron.
  23. - Media afspelen/pauzeren.
  24. - Snel terugspoelen.
  25. - Snel vooruit spoelen.
  26. - Afspelen onderbreken.
  27. GEKLEURDE KNOPPEN - Om de op dat moment geldende functie uit te voeren.

Fjernbetjening (Valgmulighed 2)

  1. (standby) – Tænd for TV’et, når det er i standby eller sluk det.
  2. SOURCE (kilde) – Viser input/kilde-menuen.
  3. TALKNAPPER – 0–9 for at vælge en TV-kanal direkte.
  4. (lydløs) - slår lyden til eller fra.
  5. GUIDE – Åbner 7-dages TV-guide (Digital TV-tilstand).
  6. MENU - Viser OSD-menuen.
  7. FAV - Viser favoritmenuen.
  8. INFO - Tryk én gang for at få vist oplysninger om det program, du aktuelt ser. Tryk igen for at få vist detaljerede oplysninger. Tryk på ► , mens informationspanelet vises for at se oplysninger om det kommende program.
  9. (//// OK) – Giver dig mulighed for at navigere i menuer på skærmen og justere systemindstillinger til dine præferencer.
  10. TILBAGE – Gå tilbage i menuen.
  11. APPER – Viser App-menuen.
  12. AFSLUT – For at forlade alle menuer.
  13. LYDSTYRKE (+/-) - Øg/sænk lydstyrkeniveauet.
  14. CH (+/-) – vip for at skifte til næste/forrige kanal i rækkefølgen.
  15. NETFLIX – Giver adgang til Netflix-appen.
  16. Prime Video – Giver adgang til Prime Video-appen.
  17. YouTube – Giver adgang til YouTube-appen.
  18. Freeview Play – Giver adgang til Freeview Play-tjenesten. Er kun tilgængelig i Storbritannien.
  19. AUDIO – Åbner menuen for lydspor.
  20. SUB – Tænder/slukker for undertekster nederst på skærmen.
  21. TEXT – Slår Teletekst til/fra.
  22. TV - Skift til digital TV-kilde.
  23. – Afspil/sæt medie på pause.
  24. – Afspil i hurtig tilbagespoling.
  25. – Afspil i hurtig fremadspoling.
  26. – Stop afspilningen.
  27. FARVEKNAPPER_ – Udfører tilsvarende funktion på det pågældende tidspunkt

Dálkové ovládání (Možnost 2)

  1. (pohotovostní) – zapnutí televize v pohotovostním režimu nebo její vypnutí.
  2. SOURCE – zobrazení menu pro vstup/zdroj.
  3. TLAČÍTKA S ČÍSLY 0–9 – slouží k přímému výběru kanálu.
  4. (ztlumení) – ztlumí zvuk nebo ho znovu zapne.
  5. GUIDE – otevře průvodce pořady na 7 dní (digitální režim televize).
  6. MENU – zobrazí menu ODS.
  7. FAV – zobrazí oblíbené položky menu
  8. INFO – jedním stisknutím zobrazíte informace o pořadu, který zrovna sledujete. Opětovným stisknutím zobrazíte podrobné informace. Pokud stisknete ► , když je zobrazen informační panel, zobrazí se informace o následujícím pořadu.
  9. (//// OK) – umožňují pohyb v nabídce na obrazovce a uzpůsobení nastavení systému dle vlastních preferencí.
  10. BACK – o krok zpět v menu.
  11. APPS – zobrazí menu aplikací.
  12. EXIT – odchod z menu.
  13. VOL (+/-) – nakloněním zvýšíte/snížíte hlasitost.
  14. CH (+/-) – nakloněním přepnete na následující/předchozí kanál v pořadí.
  15. NETFLIX – přístup k aplikaci Netflix.
  16. Prime video – přístup k aplikaci Prime video.
  17. YouTube – přístup k aplikaci YouTube.
  18. Freeview Play – přístup ke službě Freeview Play. Dostupné pouze ve Spojeném království.
  19. AUDIO – otevře nabídku pro audio stopu.
  20. SUB – zapne/vypne titulky na spodní straně obrazovky.
  21. TEXT – zapne nebo vypne teletext.
  22. TV – přepnutí na digitální TV zdroj.
  23. – přehrávání/pozastavení médií.
  24. – přehrávání v režimu rychlého přehrávání pozpátku.
  25. – přehrávání v režimu rychlého přehrávání vpřed.
  26. – zastavení přehrávání.
  27. BAREVNÁ TLAČÍTKA – provedení odpovídající funkce v aktuální nabídce.

Daljinski upravljač (2. opcija)

  1. (Stanje pripravnosti) – uključuje televizor kad se nalazi u stanju pripravnosti ili obratno.
  2. SOURCE – prikazuje izbornik za ulaz/izvor.
  3. NUMERIČKE TIPKE – 0–9 za odabir određenog TV kanala.
  4. (prigušivanje) – prigušuje ili uključuje zvuk.
  5. GUIDE – prikazuje 7-dnevni TV vodič (digitalni način rada).
  6. MENU – za prikaz zaslonskog izbornika (OSD).
  7. FAV – za prikaz izbornika favorita.
  8. INFO – pritisnite jedanput za prikaz informacija o programu koji trenutno gledate. Pritisnite ponovo za prikaz detaljnih informacija. Pritisnite ► dok je prikazana ploča s informacijama kako biste pregledali informacije i predstojećim programima.
  9. (//// OK) – omogućuje kretanje po izbornicima na zaslonu i podešavanje postavki sustava.
  10. BACK – povratak za jedan korak/razinu izbornika.
  11. APPS – prikazuje izbornik aplikacija.
  12. EXIT – izlaz iz svih izbornika.
  13. VOL (+/-) – povećavanje/smanjivanje glasnoće.
  14. CH (+/-) – prebacivanje na sljedeći/prethodni kanal na popisu.
  15. NETFLIX - pristup aplikaciji Netflix.
  16. Prime Video - pristup aplikaciji Prime Video.
  17. YouTube - pristup aplikaciji YouTube.
  18. Freeview Play – pristup usluzi Freeview Play. Dostupno samo u UK.
  19. AUDIO – otvara izbornik audiozapisa.
  20. SUB – uključivanje/isključivanje titlova pri dnu zaslona.
  21. TEXT – uključivanje/isključivanje teleteksta.
  22. TV – prebacivanje na izvor digitalne televizije.
  23. – reprodukcija/pauziranje multimedije.
  24. – za reprodukciju u načinu brzog premotavanja.
  25. – za reprodukciju u načinu rada “brzo naprijed”.
  26. – zaustavljanje reprodukcije.
  27. TIPKE U BOJI - izvršavanje odgovarajućih funkcija koje su trenutno dostupne.

Дистанционно управление (Опция 2)

  1. (Режим на готовност) – включване/изключване на телевизора от/в режим на готовност.
  2. SOURCE (Източник) – показване на меню за източника на входен сигнал.
  3. ЦИФРОВИ БУТОНИ (٠–٩) – директен избор на телевизионен канал.
  4. (Без звук) – изключване или включване на звука.
  5. GUIDE (Справочник) – отваряне на седемдневния телевизионен справочник (в цифров режим).
  6. MENU (Меню) – показване на екранно меню.
  7. FAV (Любими)– показване на менюто с любими канали.
  8. INFO (Информация) – натиснете веднъж за преглед на информация за програмата, която се възпроизвежда в момента. Натиснете още веднъж за преглед на подробни данни. Натиснете бутон ►, докато информационният панел е показан, за преглед на информация относно предстоящите предавания.
  9. (//// OK) – управление на различните менюта на екрана и регулиране на системните настройки според предпочитанията на потребителя.
  10. BACK (Назад) – връщане една стъпка назад в менюто.
  11. APPS (Приложения) – показване на меню с приложения.
  12. EXIT (Изход) – изход от всички менюта.
  13. VOL (+/-) – наклонете за увеличаване/намаляване силата на звука.
  14. CH (+/-) – наклонете за преместване на текущия канал със стъпка нагоре или надолу.
  15. NETFLIX – достъп до приложение Netflix.
  16. Prime video – достъп до приложение Prime video.
  17. YouTube – достъп до приложение YouTube.
  18. Freeview Play – достъп до услугата Freeview Play. Предлага се само във Великобритания.
  19. AUDIO (Аудио) – отваряне на меню Аудио записи.
  20. SUB (Субтитри) – включване/изключване на субтитрите в долната част на екрана.
  21. TEXT (Телетекст) – включване/изключване на Телетекста.
  22. TV (Телевизия) – превключване на цифров източник на телевизионен сигнал.
  23. – възпроизвеждане/пауза на мултимедиен файл.
  24. – възпроизвеждане в режим бързо превъртане назад.
  25. – възпроизвеждане в режим бързо превъртане напред.
  26. – прекратяване на възпроизвеждането.
  27. ЦВЕТНИ БУТОНИ – изпълняване на функции от съответното меню.

Telecomando (Opção 2)

  1. (standby) – Liga o televisor quando está em modo de espera (standby) ou vice-versa.
  2. SOURCE (fonte) – Apresenta o menu de entrada/fonte.
  3. BOTÕES NUMÉRICOS - 0-9 para selecionar diretamente um canal de televisão.
  4. (silenciar) – Silencia o som ou vice-versa.
  5. GUIDE (guia) – Abre o Guia de TV de 7 dias (modo de TV digital).
  6. MENU – Para apresentar o menu OSD.
  7. FAV – Para apresentar o menu de favoritos.
  8. INFO – Carregue uma vez para ver informações sobre o programa que está a ver no momento. Carregue novamente para ver informações detalhadas. Carregue em ► enquanto estiver a ser apresentado o painel de informações para ver informações sobre o programa seguinte.
  9. (▲/▼/◄/►/ OK) – Permite-lhe navegar nos menus do ecrã e adaptar as definições do sistema às suas preferências.
  10. BACK (voltar) – Voltar atrás um passo no menu.
  11. APPS (aplicações) – Apresenta o menu das aplicações.
  12. EXIT (sair) – Sai de todos os menus.
  13. VOL (+/-) – Incline para aumentar/reduzir o nível de som.
  14. CH (+/-) – Incline para mudar para o canal seguinte/anterior da sequência.
  15. NETFLIX – Aceda à aplicação Netflix.
  16. Prime video – Aceda à aplicação Prime video.
  17. YouTube – Aceda à aplicação YouTube.
  18. Freeview Play – Aceda ao serviço Freeview Play. Apenas disponível no Reino Unido.
  19. ÁUDIO – Abre o menu de faixas de áudio.
  20. SUB – Liga/desliga as legendas na parte de baixo do ecrã.
  21. TEXT – Liga/desliga o teletexto.
  22. TV – Muda para uma fonte de televisão digital.
  23. – Reproduzir/fazer uma pausa no conteúdo multimédia.
  24. - Para reproduzir em modo de retroceder rápido.
  25. - Para reproduzir em modo de avançar rápido.
  26. – Parar a reprodução.
  27. BOTÕES DE COR – Executa a função correspondente no momento.

Getting started - initial set up

  1. Using the RF cable, connect the TV to the TV Aerial wall socket.
  2. For connecting to the Internet with a wired connection connect a Cat 5/Ethernet cable (not included) from the TV to your broadband modem/router.
  3. Connect the power cable to the Electrical outlet.
  4. Insert the batteries supplied into the Remote control.
  5. Then press Standby button to power on TV.
  6. You will be now welcomed with the First Time Installation screen.
    If it does not appear, on the remote control, please press [MENU] then 8-8-8-8 and the menu will appear.
    If you wish to make changes to any of the default settings, use the scroll ▲/▼/◄/► buttons. To exit this menu at anytime, press [EXIT] button.
  7. Please set desired settings in First Time Installation screen.
    Welcome screen - press OK on the remote control to continue to the next screen.
    STEP 1 - Set the TV Menu language.
    Data collection notice - here you can read information about data collection. You can view more detailed information and personalize data collection settings in „View additional details“ screen.
    STEP 2 - Set your country
    STEP 3 - Select the location of TV. For home use, please select „Home Mode“. For shop demonstration mode, set „Store Mode“.
    STEP 4 - Set type of network connection. If you wish to skip this step and connect TV to network later, please choose option „It‘s OK, I‘ll do it later“.
    Set up Netflix - By choosing „Start Netflix“ option you will be able to log in into your Netflix account or create new account. If you do not wish to set up Netflix now, please select „Skip“.
    STEP 5 - Choose input source which you want to use. If you have connected RF cable directly to TV, choose „Digital TV“. If you have satellite directly connected to your TV, choose „Satellite“. In case you are using set-top-box, please pick correct input to which it is connected.
  8. If you selected in last step „Digital TV“ or „Satellite“, you will be asked if you want to tune channels. If you choose “No”, you can tune channels later from SETTINGS/CHANNEL menu. If you choose “Yes”, tuning menu will appear.
    Digital TV tuning: In „DVB Antenna“, please choose which type of signal you have. Air (DVB-T) or Cable (DVB-C). Then enter „Auto Scan“ and set your desired settings. Then choose „Auto Tuning“ to start tuning of channels.
    Satellite (DVB-S2) tuning: Enter „Satellite Setup“ and in „Antenna Setup“ select satellite which you wish to tune. Then return to previous menu by pressing BACK button on your remote control and choose „Auto tuning“ to start tuning of channels.
NOTE: To shorten tuning time of satellite channels, some countries have preinstalled channel list for most popular satellite in that region. If this is the case for your selected country, you will be asked if you wish to load preinstalled channel list. If you choose “Yes”, satellite channel list will be imported to your TV within few seconds.
TIP: If you are missing channels, the reason for this is likely to be signal strength, you should consider connecting signal booster and re-tuning the TV.

Applications menu

Applications Guide

Note:The position of apps may vary depending on your TV set.
Note:The applications available will be different depending if the set is a Freeview Play model. Refer to the application list.
Note: HDR is supported on apps such as Netflix and YouTube, and only works if the data being streamed contains HDR data.

Applications menu

Note: Some Apps, such as Netflix, require a monthly subscription. This is not included with the purchase of your TV set.
Note: The appearance and functionality of apps may vary depending upon the revision of the app and the platform it is designed to be used on. On-demand players may also change depending upon the region in which the set is tuned into.

Remote control

  1. STANDBY – Switch on TV when in standby or vice versa.
  2. MUTE – Mute the sound or vice versa.
  3. 0 – 9 – to select a TV channel directly.
  4. TV GUIDE – Opens the 7 Day TV Guide (Digital mode).
  5. To return to the previous channel viewed.
  6. PICTURE – Scrolls through picture mode options.
  7. VOL ▲/▼ To increase / decrease the sound level.
  8. CH ▲/▼ To increase or decrease the channel being watched.
  9. SOUND Scrolls through sound mode options.
  10. SOURCE – To display the input/source menu.
  11. MENU – To display OSD menu.
  12. EXIT – To exit all menus.
  13. (▲/▼/◄/►/ OK) – Allows you to navigate the on-screen menus and adjust the system settings to your preference.
  14. BACK – Back to previous menu.
  15. FAV – To display favourites menu.
  16. INFO – Press once for now/next channel information. Press twice for programme information about current programme.
  17. TEXT – Teletext mode - To enter Teletext
  18. SUBTITLE – To switch the dialogue at the bottom of the screen (on/off).
  19. TV – Switch to digital TV source.
  20. YouTube – Displays YouTube application
  21. NETFLIX – Displays NETFLIX application
  22. NET+ – Displays AQUOS NET+ menu.
  23. Rec1 PVR Record
  24. To restart the current chapter
  25. To advance forward to the next chapter
  26. To stop the playback
  27. Rec List1 Opens the list of recordings.
  28. To play in fast rewind mode.
  29. To play in fast forward mode.
  30. To play/pause
  31. COLOUR BUTTONS Additional teletext and OSD functions

    1 - available only with PVR function

Applications menu

Applications Guide

Note:The position of apps may vary depending on your TV set.
Note:The applications available will be different depending if the set is a Freeview Play model. Refer to the application list.
Note: HDR is supported on apps such as Netflix and YouTube, and only works if the data being streamed contains HDR data.

Applications menu

Note: Some Apps, such as Netflix, require a monthly subscription. This is not included with the purchase of your TV set.
Note: The appearance and functionality of apps may vary depending upon the revision of the app and the platform it is designed to be used on. On-demand players may also change depending upon the region in which the set is tuned into.

Applications menu

Applications Guide

Note:The position of apps may vary depending on your TV set.
Note:The applications available will be different depending if the set is a Freeview Play model. Refer to the application list.
Note: HDR is supported on apps such as Netflix and YouTube, and only works if the data being streamed contains HDR data.

Applications menu

Note: Some Apps, such as Netflix, require a monthly subscription. This is not included with the purchase of your TV set.
Note: The appearance and functionality of apps may vary depending upon the revision of the app and the platform it is designed to be used on. On-demand players may also change depending upon the region in which the set is tuned into.

TV Menu Operation


Quick settings menu

Playback files from Record list
  • Press [RED] to delete a selected recording.
  • Press [GREEN] to sort the items in the record list by date.
  • Press [YELLOW] to sort the items in the record list by name.
  • Press [BLUE] to enter the schedule list.
Note: Recording is only possible when a USB stick is plugged in and formatted at FAT32. VIsit the ‘USB RECORDING’ page for more information.

Picture Menu

For complete control of your picture settings, enter the ‘Picture’ menu to set up the following adjustments. These will allow you to enhance your viewing experience and utilise the full capability of the television.
  • Auto
  • 16:9
  • 4:3
  • Zoom 1
  • Zoom 2
Expert Settings
Use these adjustment settings to improve the picture in more detail.
Noise Reduction Off, Low, Medium, High.
Gamma Changes the range of the colour reproduction. Low, Medium and High.
Active Contrast Allows for the contrast level to be adjusted automatically depending on picture content. ‘ON’ or ‘OFF’.
Backlight Switches optimization of the backlight and contrast of the picture. Range: 1-100
Red Adjust the amount of red in the picture. Range: 1-100
Green Adjust the amount of green in the picture. Range: 1-100
Blue Adjust the amount of blue in the picture. Range: 1-100
CMS Hue This is a standard to adjust the colour either more reddish or more bluish in tone. R/G/B/C/M Range: -63 to 63
CMS Value A higher value makes the image brighter. A lower value makes the image darker. R/G/B/C/M Range: -32 to 31
CMS Saturation Increases or decreases the saturation of a selected colour. R/G/B/C/M Range: 0 to 15


For complete control of your audio settings, enter the ‘Sound’ menu to set up the following adjustments. These will allow you to enhance your listening experience and expand the full capability of the television.

Channel menu

  • Terrestrial Digital Television
  • Cable Digital Television
  • Satellite Digital Television
  • Analogue Television
Important: To receive Freeview/Saorview channels, in particular HD channels, you will need a Digital TV aerial and be in a good Freeview/Saorview coverage area. You can check the coverage for your area at www.freeview.co.uk or www.saorview.ie
Note: Any Freeview HD channels found during tuning will be placed in channel positions above 100. For example, 101 (BBC1 HD) 102 (BBC2 HD) etc.
Note: Freeview channels are only available in the UK, Saorview channels are only available in the ROI.
Signal Information
Note: If channels are tuned in on satellite, other tuning modes are not possible.


Set up and control your network and internet access here. There are two ways to connect to your local network, in most cases this will be the router used to connect to the internet.

Time Menu

Any time related function can be set or seen here.

System Menu

Set up system control options in this menu.
Note: Only languages which are being transmitted can be selected.
Advanced Settings

About TV


Select other input data source from this menu:
Note: If you experience a playback issue, please ensure the files being used are the correct format (example - the picture plays but no sound) See the ‘Compatible file types for USB playback’ section at the rear of these Operating Instructions.
Note: If your smartphone or tablet does not include mirroring, it may be possible to connect a suitable cable from your device directly to one of the HDMI inputs on the rear of the TV. Suitable cables for your device should be available from a local electronics retailer.
Note: USB extension cables are not recommended as they can cause a reduction in picture/audio quality and stoppages during play back of USB content.

Media menu

Miracast (Screen mirroring)

Note: Many Android and Windows devices support screen mirroring. For Apple devices, you need a separate Apple TV box to allow screen mirroring onto non Apple products.
Note: If your smartphone or tablet does not include mirroring, it may be possible to connect a suitable cable from your device directly to one of the HDMI inputs on the rear of the TV. Suitable cables for your device should be available from a local electronics retailer.

Remote control (option 2)

  1. (standby) – Switch on the TV when in standby or vice versa.
  2. SOURCE – Displays the input/source menu.
  3. NUMBER BUTTONS – 0–9 to select a TV channel directly.
  4. (mute) – Mutes the sound or vice versa.
  5. GUIDE – Opens the 7 day TV guide (digital TV mode).
  6. MENU – To display OSD menu.
  7. FAV – To display favourites menu.
  8. INFO – Press once to view information about the programme you are currently watching. Press again to view detailed information. Press ► while the information panel is displayed to view information about the upcoming programme.
  9. (//// OK) – Allows you to navigate the on-screen menus and adjust the system settings to your preference.
  10. BACK – Step back in the menu.
  11. APPS – Displays the apps menu.
  12. EXIT – Exits all menus.
  13. VOL (+/-) – Tilt to increase/decrease the sound level.
  14. CH (+/-) – Tilt to switch to the next/previous channel in the sequence.
  15. NETFLIX – Access the Netflix App.
  16. Prime Video – Access the Prime Video App.
  17. YouTube – Access the YouTube App.
  18. Freeview Play – Access the Freeview Play service. Only available in the UK.
  19. AUDIO – Opens audio track menu.
  20. SUB – Turns on/off subtitles at the bottom of the screen.
  21. TEXT – Turns teletext on/off.
  22. TV – Switch to digital TV source.
  23. – Play/pause media.
  24. – Play in fast rewind mode.
  25. – Play in fast forward mode.
  26. – Stop playback.
  27. COLOUR BUTTONS – Execute corresponding function at that time.

TV Menu Operation


Quick settings menu

Playback files from Record list
  • Press [RED] to delete a selected recording.
  • Press [GREEN] to sort the items in the record list by date.
  • Press [YELLOW] to sort the items in the record list by name.
  • Press [BLUE] to enter the schedule list.
Note: Recording is only possible when a USB stick is plugged in and formatted at FAT32. VIsit the ‘USB RECORDING’ page for more information.

Picture Menu

For complete control of your picture settings, enter the ‘Picture’ menu to set up the following adjustments. These will allow you to enhance your viewing experience and utilise the full capability of the television.
  • Auto
  • 16:9
  • 4:3
  • Zoom 1
  • Zoom 2
Expert Settings
Use these adjustment settings to improve the picture in more detail.
Noise Reduction Off, Low, Medium, High.
Gamma Changes the range of the colour reproduction. Low, Medium and High.
Active Contrast Allows for the contrast level to be adjusted automatically depending on picture content. ‘ON’ or ‘OFF’.
Backlight Switches optimization of the backlight and contrast of the picture. Range: 1-100
Red Adjust the amount of red in the picture. Range: 1-100
Green Adjust the amount of green in the picture. Range: 1-100
Blue Adjust the amount of blue in the picture. Range: 1-100
CMS Hue This is a standard to adjust the colour either more reddish or more bluish in tone. R/G/B/C/M Range: -63 to 63
CMS Value A higher value makes the image brighter. A lower value makes the image darker. R/G/B/C/M Range: -32 to 31
CMS Saturation Increases or decreases the saturation of a selected colour. R/G/B/C/M Range: 0 to 15


For complete control of your audio settings, enter the ‘Sound’ menu to set up the following adjustments. These will allow you to enhance your listening experience and expand the full capability of the television.

Channel menu

  • Terrestrial Digital Television
  • Cable Digital Television
  • Satellite Digital Television
  • Analogue Television
Important: To receive Freeview/Saorview channels, in particular HD channels, you will need a Digital TV aerial and be in a good Freeview/Saorview coverage area. You can check the coverage for your area at www.freeview.co.uk or www.saorview.ie
Note: Any Freeview HD channels found during tuning will be placed in channel positions above 100. For example, 101 (BBC1 HD) 102 (BBC2 HD) etc.
Note: Freeview channels are only available in the UK, Saorview channels are only available in the ROI.
Signal Information
Note: If channels are tuned in on satellite, other tuning modes are not possible.


Set up and control your network and internet access here. There are two ways to connect to your local network, in most cases this will be the router used to connect to the internet.

Time Menu

Any time related function can be set or seen here.

System Menu

Set up system control options in this menu.
Note: Only languages which are being transmitted can be selected.
Advanced Settings

About TV


Select other input data source from this menu:
Note: If you experience a playback issue, please ensure the files being used are the correct format (example - the picture plays but no sound) See the ‘Compatible file types for USB playback’ section at the rear of these Operating Instructions.
Note: If your smartphone or tablet does not include mirroring, it may be possible to connect a suitable cable from your device directly to one of the HDMI inputs on the rear of the TV. Suitable cables for your device should be available from a local electronics retailer.
Note: USB extension cables are not recommended as they can cause a reduction in picture/audio quality and stoppages during play back of USB content.

Media menu

Miracast (Screen mirroring)

Note: Many Android and Windows devices support screen mirroring. For Apple devices, you need a separate Apple TV box to allow screen mirroring onto non Apple products.
Note: If your smartphone or tablet does not include mirroring, it may be possible to connect a suitable cable from your device directly to one of the HDMI inputs on the rear of the TV. Suitable cables for your device should be available from a local electronics retailer.

TV Menu Operation


Quick settings menu

Playback files from Record list
  • Press [RED] to delete a selected recording.
  • Press [GREEN] to sort the items in the record list by date.
  • Press [YELLOW] to sort the items in the record list by name.
  • Press [BLUE] to enter the schedule list.
Note: Recording is only possible when a USB stick is plugged in and formatted at FAT32. VIsit the ‘USB RECORDING’ page for more information.

Picture Menu

For complete control of your picture settings, enter the ‘Picture’ menu to set up the following adjustments. These will allow you to enhance your viewing experience and utilise the full capability of the television.
  • Auto
  • 16:9
  • 4:3
  • Zoom 1
  • Zoom 2
Expert Settings
Use these adjustment settings to improve the picture in more detail.
Noise Reduction Off, Low, Medium, High.
Gamma Changes the range of the colour reproduction. Low, Medium and High.
Active Contrast Allows for the contrast level to be adjusted automatically depending on picture content. ‘ON’ or ‘OFF’.
Backlight Switches optimization of the backlight and contrast of the picture. Range: 1-100
Red Adjust the amount of red in the picture. Range: 1-100
Green Adjust the amount of green in the picture. Range: 1-100
Blue Adjust the amount of blue in the picture. Range: 1-100
CMS Hue This is a standard to adjust the colour either more reddish or more bluish in tone. R/G/B/C/M Range: -63 to 63
CMS Value A higher value makes the image brighter. A lower value makes the image darker. R/G/B/C/M Range: -32 to 31
CMS Saturation Increases or decreases the saturation of a selected colour. R/G/B/C/M Range: 0 to 15


For complete control of your audio settings, enter the ‘Sound’ menu to set up the following adjustments. These will allow you to enhance your listening experience and expand the full capability of the television.

Channel menu

  • Terrestrial Digital Television
  • Cable Digital Television
  • Satellite Digital Television
  • Analogue Television
Important: To receive Freeview/Saorview channels, in particular HD channels, you will need a Digital TV aerial and be in a good Freeview/Saorview coverage area. You can check the coverage for your area at www.freeview.co.uk or www.saorview.ie
Note: Any Freeview HD channels found during tuning will be placed in channel positions above 100. For example, 101 (BBC1 HD) 102 (BBC2 HD) etc.
Note: Freeview channels are only available in the UK, Saorview channels are only available in the ROI.
Signal Information
Note: If channels are tuned in on satellite, other tuning modes are not possible.


Set up and control your network and internet access here. There are two ways to connect to your local network, in most cases this will be the router used to connect to the internet.

Time Menu

Any time related function can be set or seen here.

System Menu

Set up system control options in this menu.
Note: Only languages which are being transmitted can be selected.
Advanced Settings

About TV


Select other input data source from this menu:
Note: If you experience a playback issue, please ensure the files being used are the correct format (example - the picture plays but no sound) See the ‘Compatible file types for USB playback’ section at the rear of these Operating Instructions.
Note: If your smartphone or tablet does not include mirroring, it may be possible to connect a suitable cable from your device directly to one of the HDMI inputs on the rear of the TV. Suitable cables for your device should be available from a local electronics retailer.
Note: USB extension cables are not recommended as they can cause a reduction in picture/audio quality and stoppages during play back of USB content.

Media menu

Miracast (Screen mirroring)

Note: Many Android and Windows devices support screen mirroring. For Apple devices, you need a separate Apple TV box to allow screen mirroring onto non Apple products.
Note: If your smartphone or tablet does not include mirroring, it may be possible to connect a suitable cable from your device directly to one of the HDMI inputs on the rear of the TV. Suitable cables for your device should be available from a local electronics retailer.

Remote control


Remote control


Remote control


Remote control


Remote control


Remote control


Remote control


Remote control


Remote control


Remote control


Remote control


Remote control


Remote control


Remote control


Remote control


TV Control Stick

The TV control stick is located on the back of the TV. You can use it instead of remote control to control most of the functions of your TV.

While TV is in standby mode:
  • short press of control stick - Power On
While watching TV:
  • RIGHT/LEFT – volume up/volume down
  • UP/DOWN – changes channel up/down
  • short press – Displays Menu
  • long press – Standby Power Off
While in menu:
  • RIGHT/LEFT/UP/DOWN – navigation of cursor in on-screen menus
  • short press – OK/Confirm selected item
  • long press – Back to previous menu


From this menu, you can switch your TV input signal to different source/connected device.

Choosing Mode Input/Source

To switch between the different input/connections.

a) Using the buttons on the remote control:

Press [SOURCE/] - The source menu will appear.

Press [◄] or [►] to select the input you require.

Press [OK].

b) Using the TV control stick:

Shortly press control stick to enter menu.

Press control stick down and navigate cursor to SOURCES menu.

Shortly press control stick to enter SOURCES menu.

with control stick choose the input/source you require.

By short press of control stick, you will change input/source to the one selected.


USB 2.0 input 1, 2, 3

HDMI 1, 2, 3 (ARC)
HDMI2.0-Input 1, 2, 3

SD Card reader
SD Card Input

R/L - Video & YPbPr audio In
Component / Video audio input

Video (CVBS)

VIDEO input

Component / YPbPr
Component HD Input

CI Card IN
CI input

RF/TV Aerial Input

Sat In
Satellite Input

Digital Optical Audio Out
Digital optical output

RJ 45

3.5mm Headphone output

service input only

TV Menu navigation

To access this menu, press [MENU] button on the remote control. To enter a menu press [OK]. If you wish to make changes to any of the default settings, use the scroll (▲/▼/◄/►) buttons. To confirm any settings press [OK] button. To exit this menu at anytime, press [EXIT] button.


Contains the most commonly used apps for quick and easy access.


World’s leading Internet television network. It is offering thousands of movies and TV shows, including original series, documentaries and feature films. Members can play, pause and resume watching, all without commercials or commitments. You can log in to this application with your existing Netflix account. If you do not have Netflix account yet, you can register via this app or via official Netflix website.


Videosharing app allows you to discover and watch originally-created videos.

Note: For Youtube app to work, it is required to have set up correct date and time in TV. For more information about setting up date/time in TV, please refer to the TIME menu chapter of this user guide. Please ensure that your network is not blocking access to YouTube and the speed of your internet connection is fast enough for viewing YouTube content.


Opens the Sharp SMART portal.


Application for accessing websites via the internet. Navigation in the browser:


Contains the most commonly used apps for quick and easy access.


World’s leading Internet television network. It is offering thousands of movies and TV shows, including original series, documentaries and feature films. Members can play, pause and resume watching, all without commercials or commitments. You can log in to this application with your existing Netflix account. If you do not have Netflix account yet, you can register via this app or via official Netflix website.


Videosharing app allows you to discover and watch originally-created videos.

Note: For Youtube app to work, it is required to have set up correct date and time in TV. For more information about setting up date/time in TV, please refer to the TIME menu chapter of this user guide. Please ensure that your network is not blocking access to YouTube and the speed of your internet connection is fast enough for viewing YouTube content.


Opens the Sharp SMART portal.


Application for accessing websites via the internet. Navigation in the browser:






Only for devices with built in PVR function


NOTE: For connecting to the Internet with a wired connection, connect a Cat 5/Ethernet cable (not included) from the TV to your broadband modem/router.
NOTE: The connection process may take a few minutes, please be patient. Every time the TV is then powered on it will automatically connect to the network, this may also take some time.



HDMI CEC must be supported by connected device.

  • Speed Check - Speed test of connected USB device.

only for devices with built in PVR function

available only if store mode was selected during first time installation


WARNING: Do not turn off the TV’s power until the upgrade is complete!






Only for devices with built in PVR function


NOTE: For connecting to the Internet with a wired connection, connect a Cat 5/Ethernet cable (not included) from the TV to your broadband modem/router.
NOTE: The connection process may take a few minutes, please be patient. Every time the TV is then powered on it will automatically connect to the network, this may also take some time.



HDMI CEC must be supported by connected device.

  • Speed Check - Speed test of connected USB device.

only for devices with built in PVR function

available only if store mode was selected during first time installation


WARNING: Do not turn off the TV’s power until the upgrade is complete!



Multimedia mode offers the playback of various content saved on a USB Memory Stick. The content will be divided into various file types: Photo, Music and Movie.

The ‘ALL’ option will show and allow you to play all types of supported content.

  1. You can navigate through the menu using the scroll ▲/▼/◄/► buttons. To confirm the item you wish to play/view press [OK] button.
  2. While viewing content you can control the playback modes using the remote control buttons or by bringing up the playback navigation menu and selecting on-screen buttons ▲/▼/◄/► and [OK]
Note: USB extension cables are not recommended as they can cause a reduction in picture/audio quality and stoppages during play back of USB content.


Allows you to view content from your smart phone or tablet on the TV screen. Miracast is formed using Wi-Fi Direct, so access to a Wi-Fi network is not needed. You can share content from your smartphone or tablet based on Android 4.4 and newer system.

Media Server

Automatically searches for digital media servers (DMS) connected to your home network and enables the playback and rendering of content from media servers

This function is only available on selected smartphones and notebooks.

Channel list

To activate the channel list, press the [OK] button when watching TV. This allows you to quickly select a channel to watch – select the desired channel by using the up and down arrows or the CH +/- buttons on the remote control. Press [OK] to watch.

While in this menu the following two options can be selected:

Note: To move channels, ensure in Channel menu is “LCN” and “Auto update channel list” turned off.

SMART Portal

To access the SMART portal Menu at any time press the NET+ button on the remote control or select it from More Apps menu.

NOTE: Please wait while the TV connects to the Wi-Fi network. It may take a few minutes after you switch on the TV.

Navigate the menu using the scroll ▲/▼/◄/► buttons. To confirm the item you wish to play/view press [OK] button. For ‘one-step’ back press [Menu] button, and to access additional functions use the coloured buttons. To leave SMART portal press [EXIT] button.

RESET OF USER SETTINGS: If you wish to completely reset all user settings on SMART portal, you must first enter the Settings menu of the portal and select “Reset your device”. Please select YES with cursor and then press OK on the remote control to confirm the reset of the settings.
NOTE: To meet our customers’ demands, we are improving our products. As a result of our ongoing efforts new applications will be added continuously to the SMART portal. Applications and content in SMART portal can be changed without notice. Some of the functions and content may not be available in your country.


To access the AQUOS NET+ Menu at any time press the NET+ button on the remote control or select it from More Apps menu.

NOTE: Please wait while the TV connects to the Wi-Fi network. It may take a few minutes after you switch on the TV.

Navigate the menu using the scroll ▲/▼/◄/► buttons. To confirm the item you wish to play/view press [OK] button. For ‘one-step’ back press [Menu] button, and to access additional functions use the coloured buttons. To leave AQUOS NET+ press [EXIT] button.

RESET OF USER SETTINGS: If you wish to completely reset all user settings on AQUOS NET+, you must first enter the Settings menu of the portal and select “Reset your device”. Please select YES with cursor and then press OK on the remote control to confirm the reset of the settings.
NOTE: To meet our customers’ demands, we are improving our products. As a result of our ongoing efforts new applications will be added continuously to the AQUOS NET+. Applications and content in AQUOS NET+ can be changed without notice. Some of the functions and content may not be available in your country.

7 Day TV Guide

TV Guide is available in Digital TV mode. It provides information about forthcoming programmes (where supported by the Digital channel). You can view the start and end time of all programmes and on all channels for the next 7 days and set reminders.

  1. Press [TV GUIDE]. The following 7 Day TV Guide will appear.
  2. Navigate through the menu using ▲/▼/◄/►.
    You can now:
    Press [INFO] to view further information about the programme highlighted.
    Press the [REC] button on a highlighted programme to use the record function.*
    • Record a programme once - press the [REC] button once.
    • Set up a daily recording - press the [REC] button twice, a recording will occur every day at this time.
    • Set up a weekly recording - press the [REC] button three times, recording will happen every week, on this day and at this time.
    Press [GREEN] button on a highlighted programme to set a reminder.
    Press / to view the previous/next day’s list of programmes.
  3. Press [EXIT] to exit the 7 day TV Guide.

only for models with recording function

USB Record - Digital mode*

Built into this television is a USB record facility. This function is available in Digital mode when used in conjunction with a compatible USB memory stick or USB Hard drive. The benefits of this are as follows:

  • Pause live TV and then playback, fast forward and rewind (up to live TV).
  • One button record, if you decide you want to record the current programme.
  • Easy programmable recording from the 7 day TV Guide

Due to the nature of the product, it is necessary to use a high speed USB memory stick (as the TV reads from and writes to the memory stick at the same time, some memory sticks may not be suitable).

Minimum Specification - USB Memory Stick

Pause Live TV (Time Shift)*

Pausing Live TV is very simple.

  • Press the play/pause button and the television will pause and the live content will be recorded. To resume watching press play/pause again.
  • Press fast forward to go forward in a recording (i.e. to skip adverts).
  • Press fast rewind to go back in a recording (i.e. if you fast forwarded too far).
Tip: When you switch the TV to standby or change channel the Time Shift memory is wiped. To restart time shift you must press play/pause button.

One Button Record

At any point in time you may decide to record the current channel that you are watching. To do this you need to press the [REC] button.

Tip: This television contains one TV tuner, therefore it can only record the channel you are watching or record one channel while the television is in standby mode.
Note: USB record function is only available in Digital TV mode. Due to copyright laws and illegal copying/recording it is not possible to record to/from any other input/output source.

only for devices with built in PVR function

HDR (High Dynamic Range)

HDR video removes some of the limitations of a standard video signal and shows the image built from a wider gamut of colour and brightness.

  • HDR function will activate automatically if an HDR signal is detected, provided that HDMI 2.0 Format has been set to “Enhanced” in the ‘HDMI Settings’ menu.
  • If you are connecting via one of the HDMI ports, the external device must also support HDR, HDMI2.0 and be playing HDR mastered content.

Operating Instructions Advice

Note: It is not recommended to connect external user interface devices, such as a keyboard or mouse, to this set.

First Time Installation

Note These screens only come up if more than one region is found. i.e. two or more transmitters are tuned in.
Note: In Home Mode, the TV will switch itself to the standby mode after 4 hours in the event that the buttons on the remote control or TV set are not used. This can be disabled in the ‘TIME’ menu.

TV Menu Operation


Quick settings menu

Playback files from Record list
  • Press [RED] to delete a selected recording.
  • Press [GREEN] to sort the items in the record list by date.
  • Press [YELLOW] to sort the items in the record list by name.
  • Press [BLUE] to enter the schedule list.
Note: Recording is only possible when a USB stick is plugged in and formatted at FAT32. VIsit the ‘USB RECORDING’ page for more information.

Picture Menu

For complete control of your picture settings, enter the ‘Picture’ menu to set up the following adjustments. These will allow you to enhance your viewing experience and utilise the full capability of the television.
  • Auto
  • 16:9
  • 4:3
  • Zoom 1
  • Zoom 2
Expert Settings
Use these adjustment settings to improve the picture in more detail.
Noise Reduction Off, Low, Medium, High.
Gamma Changes the range of the colour reproduction. Low, Medium and High.
Active Contrast Allows for the contrast level to be adjusted automatically depending on picture content. ‘ON’ or ‘OFF’.
Backlight Switches optimization of the backlight and contrast of the picture. Range: 1-100
Red Adjust the amount of red in the picture. Range: 1-100
Green Adjust the amount of green in the picture. Range: 1-100
Blue Adjust the amount of blue in the picture. Range: 1-100
CMS Hue This is a standard to adjust the colour either more reddish or more bluish in tone. R/G/B/C/M Range: -63 to 63
CMS Value A higher value makes the image brighter. A lower value makes the image darker. R/G/B/C/M Range: -32 to 31
CMS Saturation Increases or decreases the saturation of a selected colour. R/G/B/C/M Range: 0 to 15


For complete control of your audio settings, enter the ‘Sound’ menu to set up the following adjustments. These will allow you to enhance your listening experience and expand the full capability of the television.

Channel menu

  • Terrestrial Digital Television
  • Cable Digital Television
  • Satellite Digital Television
  • Analogue Television
Important: To receive Freeview/Saorview channels, in particular HD channels, you will need a Digital TV aerial and be in a good Freeview/Saorview coverage area. You can check the coverage for your area at www.freeview.co.uk or www.saorview.ie
Note: Any Freeview HD channels found during tuning will be placed in channel positions above 100. For example, 101 (BBC1 HD) 102 (BBC2 HD) etc.
Note: Freeview channels are only available in the UK, Saorview channels are only available in the ROI.
Signal Information
Note: If channels are tuned in on satellite, other tuning modes are not possible.


Set up and control your network and internet access here. There are two ways to connect to your local network, in most cases this will be the router used to connect to the internet.

Time Menu

Any time related function can be set or seen here.

System Menu

Set up system control options in this menu.
Note: Only languages which are being transmitted can be selected.
Advanced Settings

About TV


Select other input data source from this menu:
Note: If you experience a playback issue, please ensure the files being used are the correct format (example - the picture plays but no sound) See the ‘Compatible file types for USB playback’ section at the rear of these Operating Instructions.
Note: If your smartphone or tablet does not include mirroring, it may be possible to connect a suitable cable from your device directly to one of the HDMI inputs on the rear of the TV. Suitable cables for your device should be available from a local electronics retailer.
Note: USB extension cables are not recommended as they can cause a reduction in picture/audio quality and stoppages during play back of USB content.

Media menu

Miracast (Screen mirroring)

Note: Many Android and Windows devices support screen mirroring. For Apple devices, you need a separate Apple TV box to allow screen mirroring onto non Apple products.
Note: If your smartphone or tablet does not include mirroring, it may be possible to connect a suitable cable from your device directly to one of the HDMI inputs on the rear of the TV. Suitable cables for your device should be available from a local electronics retailer.

TV Menu Operation


Quick settings menu

Playback files from Record list
  • Press [RED] to delete a selected recording.
  • Press [GREEN] to sort the items in the record list by date.
  • Press [YELLOW] to sort the items in the record list by name.
  • Press [BLUE] to enter the schedule list.
Note: Recording is only possible when a USB stick is plugged in and formatted at FAT32. VIsit the ‘USB RECORDING’ page for more information.

Picture Menu

For complete control of your picture settings, enter the ‘Picture’ menu to set up the following adjustments. These will allow you to enhance your viewing experience and utilise the full capability of the television.
  • Auto
  • 16:9
  • 4:3
  • Zoom 1
  • Zoom 2
Expert Settings
Use these adjustment settings to improve the picture in more detail.
Noise Reduction Off, Low, Medium, High.
Gamma Changes the range of the colour reproduction. Low, Medium and High.
Active Contrast Allows for the contrast level to be adjusted automatically depending on picture content. ‘ON’ or ‘OFF’.
Backlight Switches optimization of the backlight and contrast of the picture. Range: 1-100
Red Adjust the amount of red in the picture. Range: 1-100
Green Adjust the amount of green in the picture. Range: 1-100
Blue Adjust the amount of blue in the picture. Range: 1-100
CMS Hue This is a standard to adjust the colour either more reddish or more bluish in tone. R/G/B/C/M Range: -63 to 63
CMS Value A higher value makes the image brighter. A lower value makes the image darker. R/G/B/C/M Range: -32 to 31
CMS Saturation Increases or decreases the saturation of a selected colour. R/G/B/C/M Range: 0 to 15


For complete control of your audio settings, enter the ‘Sound’ menu to set up the following adjustments. These will allow you to enhance your listening experience and expand the full capability of the television.

Channel menu

  • Terrestrial Digital Television
  • Cable Digital Television
  • Satellite Digital Television
  • Analogue Television
Important: To receive Freeview/Saorview channels, in particular HD channels, you will need a Digital TV aerial and be in a good Freeview/Saorview coverage area. You can check the coverage for your area at www.freeview.co.uk or www.saorview.ie
Note: Any Freeview HD channels found during tuning will be placed in channel positions above 100. For example, 101 (BBC1 HD) 102 (BBC2 HD) etc.
Note: Freeview channels are only available in the UK, Saorview channels are only available in the ROI.
Signal Information
Note: If channels are tuned in on satellite, other tuning modes are not possible.


Set up and control your network and internet access here. There are two ways to connect to your local network, in most cases this will be the router used to connect to the internet.

Time Menu

Any time related function can be set or seen here.

System Menu

Set up system control options in this menu.
Note: Only languages which are being transmitted can be selected.
Advanced Settings

About TV


Select other input data source from this menu:
Note: If you experience a playback issue, please ensure the files being used are the correct format (example - the picture plays but no sound) See the ‘Compatible file types for USB playback’ section at the rear of these Operating Instructions.
Note: If your smartphone or tablet does not include mirroring, it may be possible to connect a suitable cable from your device directly to one of the HDMI inputs on the rear of the TV. Suitable cables for your device should be available from a local electronics retailer.
Note: USB extension cables are not recommended as they can cause a reduction in picture/audio quality and stoppages during play back of USB content.

Media menu

Miracast (Screen mirroring)

Note: Many Android and Windows devices support screen mirroring. For Apple devices, you need a separate Apple TV box to allow screen mirroring onto non Apple products.
Note: If your smartphone or tablet does not include mirroring, it may be possible to connect a suitable cable from your device directly to one of the HDMI inputs on the rear of the TV. Suitable cables for your device should be available from a local electronics retailer.

Remote control


Remote control


Remote control


Remote control


Wall Mounting and Set Security

Securing the TV to a wall

Note: Please ensure that children do not climb on or near the TV set.
Note: When handling the set do not grip the LCD Panel.
Note: Do not pull the set when mounted on a bracket. If using a moveable bracket, adjust via the bracket and not the set.

Wall mounting

Important: If wall mounting this TV, only use the screws already provided in the wall mounting holes.
Important: If wall mounting this TV, only use the screws already provided in the wall mounting holes. Using other screws which are longer could cause irreparable damage to internal parts. When using a wall bracket, please ensure the screws in the back of the TV set are not over tightened.
Note: the wall bracket type shown in the diagram is for illustration purposes only, other brackets may be used and it is recommended that the spacers and screws are tested to see if they fit correctly before final assembly.
Important: Only use the screws provided to mount the set onto a wall bracket. When using a wall bracket, please ensure the screws in the back of the TV set are not over tightened. Failure to use the correct screws may lead to damage.
Note: Spacers and screws are not supplied for all models, refer to the Quick Start Guide for more information.
Note: Due to the use of rear facing HDMI connectors, right angled HDMI adapters can be utilized to reduce the space required behind the set to allow the cable to bend safely. There are different types of HDMI angled connectors, ensure that the one being used is suitable for the cable/socket types.

TV control stick and input source

TV Control Stick

  • Press the centre of the control stick once - Power on the TV set
  • RIGHT/LEFT – volume up/volume down
  • UP/DOWN – changes channel up/dow
  • Press the centre of the control stick once – displays the menu
    • Press and hold the centre of the control stick – Standby/Power Off
  • RIGHT/LEFT/UP/DOWN – navigation of cursor in on-screen menus
  • Press the centre of the control stick once – OK/Confirm selected item
  • Press and hold the centre of the control stick – back to previous menu

Choosing Mode Input/Source

  1. Press [SOURCE] - The ‘source’ menu will appear
  2. Press [<] or [>] to select the input you require.
  3. Press [OK].
  1. Press the centre of the control stick once to enter the TV menu.
  2. Press the control stick RIGHT/LEFT and navigate through to ‘SOURCE’ menu.
  3. Press the centre of the control stick to enter the ‘SOURCE’ menu.
  4. Press the control stick RIGHT/LEFT to scroll through and select the input/source you require.
  5. Press the centre of the control stick to select the chosen input/source option highlighted.

Source menu

Note: Inputs may vary depending on your television specification.
Note: If the inputs have been renamed, they will not appear as shown above.

7 day TV guide and channel list

Freeview Play

To be recorded on Catch Up.
Already recorded on Catch Up.
Catch Up is only applicable to sets with Freeview Play.
Note: Freeview HD channels found during tuning will be placed in channel positions above 100, for example, 101 - BBC 1 HD, 102 - BBC 2 HD etc.
Non-Freeview Play 7 Day Guide
Note: Record functions are only applicable to sets with a built in USB Record/PVR function.
Note: When the TV set is on, a reminder message will be displayed informing you that a programme is about to start. If the set is in standby, then it will turn on at the reminder time.

Note: When recording in standby mode, the set will not turn on. While recording in standby, the light on the front of the set will flash.

Freeview play APP

Only applicable to sets with Freeview Play.
Note: To use the full functionality of Freeview Play your set must be connected to the internet.
Note: Some apps require additional registration, this is a simple process and it will inform you of the correct website to visit to complete the registration.

Catch Up tv

Note: Areas receiving Saorview transmissions will not support catch up services.
  • Access the Freeview play app by pressing the [FREEVIEW PLAY] button.
  • Access the 7 day TV guide by pressing the [RED] button.


Note: If channels are moved or deleted, any settings made to record on that channel will not work.

Applications menu

Applications Guide

Note:The position of apps may vary depending on your TV set.
Note:The applications available will be different depending if the set is a Freeview Play model. Refer to the application list.
Note: HDR is supported on apps such as Netflix and YouTube, and only works if the data being streamed contains HDR data.

Applications menu

Note: Some Apps, such as Netflix, require a monthly subscription. This is not included with the purchase of your TV set.
Note: The appearance and functionality of apps may vary depending upon the revision of the app and the platform it is designed to be used on. On-demand players may also change depending upon the region in which the set is tuned into.

Applications menu

Applications Guide

Note:The position of apps may vary depending on your TV set.
Note:The applications available will be different depending if the set is a Freeview Play model. Refer to the application list.
Note: HDR is supported on apps such as Netflix and YouTube, and only works if the data being streamed contains HDR data.

Applications menu

Note: Some Apps, such as Netflix, require a monthly subscription. This is not included with the purchase of your TV set.
Note: The appearance and functionality of apps may vary depending upon the revision of the app and the platform it is designed to be used on. On-demand players may also change depending upon the region in which the set is tuned into.

USB recording

Freeview and Saorview only
  • Pause live TV and then playback, rewind and fast forward (up to live TV).
  • One button record, if you decide you want to record the current programme.
  • Easy recording from the 7 Day TV Guide.
Recommended Minimum Specification - USB Memory Stick
Note: When you switch the TV to standby or change channel the ‘Time Shift’ memory is wiped. To restart time shift you must press [PLAY/PAUSE] button.
Note: If channels are moved or deleted, then the USB Record/PVR will not function correctly.
Note: This television contains one TV tuner, therefore it can only record the channel you are watching or record one channel while the television is in standby mode.
Note: USB Record/PVR record function is only available in Digital/Freeview TV mode. Due to copyright laws and illegal copying/recording it is not possible to record to/from any other input/output source.
Note: Recorded content can only be played back on the device that recorded it. It is not permitted (or possible) to watch content recorded on the TV from Freeview/Saorview on another device.
One Button Record
Note: Record functions are only applicable to sets with the built in USB Record/PVR function.

USB & DNLA Media Types




Bit Rate

File Extension





".DAT, .VOB, .MPG, .MPEG,.ts, .trp,
.tp, .mp4, .mov, .3gpp, .3gp, .avi,
.mkv, .asf"




".MPG, .MPEG, .mp4, .mov,
.3gpp, .3gp, .avi"




.divx, .mp4, .mov, .avi, .mkv, .asf




".mp4, .mov, .3gpp, .3gp, .av,




".flv, .mp4, .mov, .3gpp, .3gp, .ts,
.trp, .tp, .asf, .wmv, .avi, .mkv"

Motion JPEG



".avi, .3gpp, .3gp, .mp4, .mov,
.mkv, .asf"




.mkv, .webm




.mp4, .mov, .mkv, .ts, .trp, .tp




.mkv, .webm




Bit Rate

File Extension


MPEG1/2 Layer1, 2, 3

16KHz ~ 48KHz

32Kbps ~ 320Kbps

".mp3, .avi, .as, .mkv, .ts, .trp, .tp,
.DAT, .VOB, .MPG, .MPEG, .wav"


"32KHz, 44.1KHz,

32Kbps ~ 640Kbps

".ac3, .avi, .mkv, .divx, .3gpp,
.3gp, .mp4, .mov, m4a, .ts, .trp,
.tp, .DAT, .VOB, .MPG, .MPEG,
.rm, .rmvb"


"32KHz, 44.1KHz,

32Kbps ~ 6Mbps

".ec3, .3gpp, .3gp, .mp4, .mov,
m4a, .ts, .trp, .tp, .DAT, .VOB,


8KHz ~ 48KHz

128bps ~ 320Kbps

".aac, .avi, .mkv, .divx, .3gpp,
.3gp, .mp4, .mov, m4a, .ts, .trp,
.tp, .DAT, .VOB, .MPG, .MPEG, . v,
.rm, .rmvb"


Up to 48KHz

".mkv, .webm, .3gpp, .3gp, .mp4,
.mov, m4a, .ogg"


Up to 48KHz

< 1.5Mbps

".ts, .trp, .tp, .DAT, .VOB, .MPG ,
.MPEG, .mkv"


8KHz~96 KHz

< 1.6Mbps

.mkv, . ac



File Extension



15360x8640, (1920x8 x 1080x8)















15360x8640, (1920x8 x 1080x8)








Quick Lookup: Specifications - USB & DNLA Media Types

Internal Subtitle

File Extension


Subtitle Codec



DVD Subtitle, UTF-8 Plain Text



"ASS, SSA, UTF-8 Plain
Text, VobSub, DVD Subtitle"


AVI(1.0, 2.0)


External Subtitle

File Extension

Subtitle Parser




.ssa/ .ass

SubStation Alpha




SubViewer, Micro DVD, DVD Subtitle System, Subldx (VobSub)

SubViewer 1.0 & 2.0 Only




Note: The TV input/output connections and connecting cables on these pages are shown for reference. Cables are available separately from your retailer. Not all connections are available on all TV models.
Connecting to a device with Composite AV/Video output
Connecting to an external audio device (Amplifier, Surround Sound, Sound Bars etc)
Note: When connecting an external audio device to the TV, set the TV volume to a higher than normal level, you will then be able to use your device remote control to adjust the volume of the connected device to suit your requirements.
Connecting to a device with HDMI output
Connecting to a device with RF output (CCTV or other Analogue devices)
Note: You will need to manually tune your device into an analogue channel.
Connecting an Ethernet/Network cable
Connecting to a USB device
Note: Tablets and/or phones can be charged via the USB port, however, it’s not possible to play back media from these devices.
Note: Some USB devices may need to be connected to an external power supply before being used with this input, i.e. powered hard drive.
Connecting the TV to Earphones

Troubleshooting guide


Note: If your set is outside of guarantee and the installation of the software causes a different issue you may be liable for a chargeable repair service. The reason for this is because you may have an inherent fault which can cause corruption on one of the boards when installing the software. This could result in your unit locking into SAFE mode whereby it is stuck in standby. This is not a fault with the software, this would be caused by an existing faulty board that would have required a repair.
Note: For further support with software updates, contact our technical support team or refer to the ‘Product Support’ section of the website. If the TV is using the newest software available it will not attempt to update the software.

Getting started - initial set up

Getting started - initial set up

  1. Using the RF cable, connect the TV to the TV Aerial wall socket.
  2. For connecting to the Internet with a wired connection connect a Cat 5/Ethernet cable (not included) from the TV to your broadband modem/router.
  3. Connect the power cable to the rear of the TV, and then connect it to the electrical outlet.
  4. Insert the batteries supplied into the Remote control.
  5. Then press Standby button to power on TV.
  6. You will be now welcomed with the First Time Installation screen.
    If it does not appear, on the remote control, please press [MENU] then 8-8-8-8 and the menu will appear.
    If you wish to make changes to any of the default settings, use the scroll ▲/▼/◄/► buttons. To exit this menu at anytime, press [EXIT] button.
  7. Please set desired settings in First Time Installation screen.
    STEP 1 - Set the TV Menu language.
    STEP 2 - set your country
    STEP 3 - Set type of network connection. If you wish to skip this step and connect TV to network later, please choose Skip Network Setting
    STEP 4 - Select the location of TV. For home use, please select Home. For shop demonstration mode, set Store.
    STEP 5 - choose if your TV has stand, or if it is mounted on the wall. TV will set optimal audio settings for selected option.
    STEP 6 - choose input source which you want to use. If you have connected RF cable directly to TV, choose DTV. If you have satellite directly connected to your TV, choose DVB-S*. In case you are using set-top-box, please pick correct input to which it is connected.
  8. If you selected in last step DTV or DVB-S2, you will be asked if you want to tune channels. If you choose “No”, you can tune channels later from SETTINGS/CHANNEL menu. If you choose “Yes”, tuning menu will appear.
    Digital TV (DTV) tuning: In DVB Antenna, please choose which type of signal you have. Terrestrial (DVB-T) or Cable (DVB-C). Then enter Auto tuning and set your desired settings. Again choose Auto tuning to start tuning of channels.
    Satellite (DVB-S2) tuning: Enter Auto Tuning and enter Satellite. Here you can choose between the various satellites. Select satellite which you wish to tune by pressing OK button on remote control. Then return to previous menu by pressing BACK button on your remote control and choose Auto tuning to start tuning of channels.
    NOTE: To shorten tuning time of satellite channels, some countries have preinstalled channel list for most popular satellite in that region. If this is the case for your selected country, you will be asked if you wish to load preinstalled channel list. If you choose “Yes”, satellite channel list will be imported to your TV within few seconds.
    TIP: If you are missing channels, the reason for this is likely to be signal strength, you should consider connecting signal booster and re-tuning the TV.

    Remote control

  9. STANDBY – Switch on TV when in standby or vice versa.
  10. MUTE – Mute the sound or vice versa.
  11. 0 – 9 – to select a TV channel directly.
  12. TV GUIDE – Opens the 7 Day TV Guide (Digital mode).
  13. To return to the previous channel viewed.
  14. PICTURE Scrolls through picture mode options.
  15. VOL ▲/▼ To increase / decrease the sound level.
  16. CH ▲/▼ To increase or decrease the channel being watched.
  17. SOUND Scrolls through sound mode options.
  18. SOURCE – To display the input/source menu.
  19. MENU – To display OSD menu.
  20. EXIT – To exit all menus.
  21. (▲/▼/◄/►/ OK) – Allows you to navigate the on-screen menus and adjust the system settings to your preference.
  22. BACK – Back to previous menu.
  23. FAV – To display favourites menu.
  24. INFO – Press once for now/next channel information. Press twice for programme information about current programme.
  25. TEXT – Teletext mode - To enter Teletext
  26. SUBTITLE – To switch the dialogue at the bottom of the screen (on/off).
  27. TV – Switch to digital TV source.
  28. YouTube – Displays YouTube application
  29. NETFLIX – Displays NETFLIX application
  30. NET+ – Displays AQUOS NET+ menu.
  31. Rec1 PVR Record
  32. To restart the current chapter
  33. To advance forward to the next chapter
  34. To stop the playback
  35. Rec List1 Opens the list of recordings.
  36. To play in fast rewind mode.
  37. To play in fast forward mode.
  38. To play/pause
  39. COLOUR BUTTONS Additional teletext and OSD functions

1 - available only with PVR function

TV Controls

TV buttons*

Vol+ Volume up and menu right

Vol- Volume down and menu left

CH+ Programme/Channel up and menu up

CH- Programme/Channel down and menu down

MENU Displays Menu/OSD

SOURCE Displays the input source menu

STANDBY Standby Power On/Off

for TV with buttons

TV Control Stick*

TV control stick is located on the lower left corner of back side of the TV. You can use it instead of remote control to control most of the functions of your TV.

While TV is in standby mode:

  • short press of control stick - Power On

While watching TV:

  • RIGHT/LEFT – volume up/volume down
  • UP/DOWN – changes channel up/down
  • short press – Displays Menu
  • long press – Standby Power Off

While in menu:

  • RIGHT/LEFT/UP/DOWN – navigation of cursor in on-screen menus
  • short press – OK/Confirm selected item
  • long press – Back to previous menu
  • for TV with control stick

Choosing Mode Input/Source

To switch between the different input/connections.

a) Using the buttons on the remote control:

  1. Press [SOURCE/] - The source menu will appear.
  2. Press [] or [] to select the input you require.
  3. Press [OK].

b1) Using the buttons* on the Television:

  1. Press [SOURCE].
  2. Scroll up/down using VOL+ /VOL- buttons to the input/source you require.
  3. Press [SOURCE] to change input/source to the one selected.

b2) Using the TV control stick*:

  1. Shortly press control stick to enter menu.
  2. Press control stick down and navigate cursor to SOURCES menu.
  3. Shortly press control stick to enter SOURCES menu.
  4. with control stick choose the input/source yourequire.
  5. By short press of control stick, you will change input/source to the one selected.


TV Menu navigation

To access this menu, press [MENU] button on the remote control. To enter a menu press [OK]. If you wish to make changes to any of the default settings, use the scroll (▲/▼/◄/►) buttons. To confirm any settings press [OK] button. To exit this menu at anytime, press [EXIT] button.



World’s leading Internet television network. It is offering thousands of movies and TV shows, including original series, documentaries and feature films. Members can play, pause and resume watching, all without commercials or commitments. You can log in to this application with your existing Netflix account. If you do not have Netflix account yet, you can register via this app or via official Netflix website.


Videosharing app allows you to discover and watch originally-created videos.

Note: For Youtube app to work, it is required to have set up correct date and time in TV. For more information about setting up date/time in TV, please refer to the TIME menu chapter of this user guide. Please ensure that your network is not blocking access to YouTube and the speed of your internet connection is fast enough for viewing YouTube content.

More Apps

Contains the most commonly used apps for quick and easy access.


From this menu, you can switch your TV input signal to different source/connected device.


The ‘File Option’ will show and allow you to play all types of supported content.

  1. You can navigate through the menu using the scroll ▲/▼/◄/► buttons. To confirm the item you wish to play/view press [OK] button.
  2. While viewing content you can control the playback modes using the remote control buttons or by bringing up the playback navigation menu and selecting on-screen buttons ▲/▼/◄/► and [OK]
Note: USB extension cables are not recommended as they can cause a reduction in picture/audio quality and stoppages during play back of USB content.

This function is only available on selected smartphones and notebooks.





Only for devices with built in PVR function


NOTE: For connecting to the Internet with a wired connection, connect a Cat 5/Ethernet cable (not included) from the TV to your broadband modem/router.
NOTE: The connection process may take a few minutes, please be patient. Every time the TV is then powered on it will automatically connect to the network, this may also take some time.




only for devices with built in PVR function

NOTE: The TV will automatically search for new releases of software every time it is turned on. If new software is found, it will ask you if you would like to download and install it. If you select “Yes” the TV will upgrade to the latest software.
WARNING: Do not turn off the TV’s power until the upgrade is complete!

HDMI CEC must be supported by connected device.



Only for devices with built in PVR function


NOTE: For connecting to the Internet with a wired connection, connect a Cat 5/Ethernet cable (not included) from the TV to your broadband modem/router.
NOTE: The connection process may take a few minutes, please be patient. Every time the TV is then powered on it will automatically connect to the network, this may also take some time.




only for devices with built in PVR function

NOTE: The TV will automatically search for new releases of software every time it is turned on. If new software is found, it will ask you if you would like to download and install it. If you select “Yes” the TV will upgrade to the latest software.
WARNING: Do not turn off the TV’s power until the upgrade is complete!

HDMI CEC must be supported by connected device.

7 Day TV Guide

TV Guide is available in Digital TV mode. It provides information about forthcoming programmes (where supported by the Digital channel). You can view the start and end time of all programmes and on all channels for the next 7 days and set reminders.

  1. Press [TV GUIDE]. The following 7 Day TV Guide will appear.
  2. Navigate through the menu using ▲/▼/◄/►.
    You can now:
    Record selected TV channel and TV show by pressing the RED button.*
    Set a reminder by pressing GREEN.
    View a previous day by pressing YELLOW.
    View the next day by pressing BLUE. [INFO] shows detailed information about the selected post
  3. Press [EXIT] to exit the 7 day TV Guide.

only for models with recording function

USB Record - Digital mode*

Built into this television is a USB record facility. This function is available in Digital mode when used in conjunction with a compatible USB memory stick or USB Hard drive. The benefits of this are as follows:

  • Pause live TV and then playback, fast forward and rewind (up to live TV).
  • One button record, if you decide you want to record the current programme.
  • Easy programmable recording from the 7 day TV Guide

Due to the nature of the product, it is necessary to use a high speed USB memory stick (as the TV reads from and writes to the memory stick at the same time, some memory sticks may not be suitable).

Minimum Specification - USB Memory Stick

Pause Live TV (Time Shift)*

Pausing Live TV is very simple.

  • Press the play/pause button and the television will pause and the live content will be recorded. To resume watching press play/pause again.
  • Press fast forward to go forward in a recording (i.e. to skip adverts).
  • Press fast rewind to go back in a recording (i.e. if you fast forwarded too far).
Tip: When you switch the TV to standby or change channel the Time Shift memory is wiped. To restart time shift you must press play/pause button.

One Button Record

At any point in time you may decide to record the current channel that you are watching. To do this you need to press the [REC] button.

Tip: This television contains one TV tuner, therefore it can only record the channel you are watching or record one channel while the television is in standby mode.
Note: USB record function is only available in Digital TV mode. Due to copyright laws and illegal copying/recording it is not possible to record to/from any other input/output source.

only for devices with built in PVR function

HDR (High Dynamic Range)


Only for devices with built in PVR function


NOTE: For connecting to the Internet with a wired connection, connect a Cat 5/Ethernet cable (not included) from the TV to your broadband modem/router.
NOTE: The connection process may take a few minutes, please be patient. Every time the TV is then powered on it will automatically connect to the network, this may also take some time.




only for devices with built in PVR function

NOTE: The TV will automatically search for new releases of software every time it is turned on. If new software is found, it will ask you if you would like to download and install it. If you select “Yes” the TV will upgrade to the latest software.
WARNING: Do not turn off the TV’s power until the upgrade is complete!

HDMI CEC must be supported by connected device.