To access the Live TV menu, press the XXX.GST (settings) button on the remote and select [Live TV]. Within this menu, you'll find the following options:
[Channels Configuration] – Settings for channel tuning.
[Source Type] – Select the reception type you wish to edit or tune.
[Antenna] – Select this option if you wish to edit or tune antenna channels.
[Cable] – Select this option if you wish to edit or tune cable channels.
[Satellite] – Select this option if you wish to edit or tune satellite channels.
[Scan for Channels] – Menu from which you can scan for channels via one of your TV tuners.
[Antenna Scan] – Tuning options for antenna channels.
[Cable Scan] – Tuning options for cable channels.
[Satellite Scan] – Tuning options for satellite channels.
[Manage Channels] – Access the menu to manage channels, enabling you to hide or mark channels as favourites. Depending on the country selected during initial setup, channel reordering may also be available.
[Auto Channels Update] – While the TV is in standby, it will check for changes in the TV network once per day. If necessary, it will update the current channels and store new channels.
[Configure CI+] – Settings for the CA module and CI+ card.
[Configure Freely] – Setting for the Freely app. Available only in the UK.
[Subtitles] – Settings for digital TV subtitles.
[Auto-select Subtitles] – When this option is on, the TV will automatically display subtitles in the languages set in the options below (if available).
[Primary Subtitles Language] – Preferred language for subtitles.
[Secondary subtitle language] – Secondary subtitle language, selected if subtitles in the primary language are not available.
[Hard of Hearing Subtitles] – Displays captions at the bottom of the screen for viewers with hearing impairments.
[Audio] – Settings for digital TV audio.
[Primary Audio Language] – Preferred audio language when multiple options are available.
[Secondary Audio Language] – Secondary audio language, selected if audio in the primary language is not available.
[Audio description] – Additional sound track for the visually impaired. Available only on selected digital TV content.
[Spoken subtitles] – Turns on/off the reading of subtitles aloud in a spoken voice.
[Audio Description Volume] – Volume control for the [Audio Description] track.
[Interactive TV Apps] – Settings for interactive TV apps.
[Enable HbbTV] – Enables or disables HbbTV (Hybrid Broadcast Broadband TV), which offers interactive TV services such as video-on-demand, catch-up TV, interactive advertising, games and more. When HbbTV is enabled, you can access it on the currently viewed channel by pressing the red button on the remote control. Please note that each channel has its own HbbTV app, and some channels may not have HbbTV available.
[Block 3rd party cookies] – Enabling this setting will block 3rd party cookies, preventing third parties from tracking your online activity.