E-instruction manual Language: English


Factory reset

Before disposing of, reselling or gifting the TV, a factory reset is required. Otherwise, unauthorised persons could gain access to your personal data.

Performing a factory reset on the TV will restore the device to its original factory settings, erasing all data, settings, and personalization. Please note that this process will delete all apps, accounts, and data associated with your Google TV. Here's how to do a factory reset:

1.Press the XXX.GHM (home) button on your remote control.

2.Go to [Settings] > [System] > [About] > [Reset].

3.Then confirm [Factory Reset]

4.Select and confirm [Factory Reset] once more.

5.Select and confirm [Erase everything].

After the last step, the factory reset is performed, and you are greeted by the first installation screen when the TV restarts.